Click your "FBA File" by Acrobat Reader DC→Edit PDF
click your "Crop Pages" →Choose your Label→Click Selected Area
Select Units "inch/mm"→Comfirm cropped page size→ Click "OK".
click Printer icon→Select "GFLP801"→Click Current→Click Properties
Select Pager/Quailty→Click Advanced
Select your right size→ Click "OK".
click Printer.
If you are shipping more than a few labels, you would benefit from using a commercial solution that create 4 x 6 labels in one-click.
Official guide from Adobe: Print portion of a PDF page using Acrobat or Reader
How can I crop multiple pages in the same document at once?
1)On Adobe Acrobat you are able to crop several / all pages together.
Please see:
2) Briss is a free open-source application available for cropping PDF pages at once. It may take a little while getting used to it
but once you are comfortable with it, it is pretty fast:
3) For Mac:
There is a third-party company that offers a software for cropping labels
Please download form:
There is an operation tutorial video: